Sunday, July 31, 2011

Assignment 10

I chose to observe the Mckissick museum. This structure sits in the center of a the  McKissick was first built in 1939 as a project from the Works Progress Administration. Originally McKissick served as the university's library and in 1976 it was elected to serve as a museum showing southern culture and an archive of artifacts from the university dating back to USC's opening in 1801. The design of the McKissick buildings follows that of a pre-Civil War structure. The columns as well as the building itself are made from concrete. A dome ceiling sits on top of the structure and the columns of the building are made to model the columns of Ancient Roman architecture. The use of the columns is also an ancient form of architecture that is know as post and lintel. The structure also displays a style which is like that of Greek revival buildings. All in all McKissick is one of the most popular buidings on USC campus and its creative and unique design makes it one of the most classic buildings on any college campus.

Art Event Five- Trinity Cathedral

1.  The trinity cathedral has the following features: a nave, aspe, transept.  The nave is the rectangular figure in the center of the church where the member of the congregation sit. Just beyond the nave, at the very end of the church is the aspe where the priest and leaders of the congregation sit. Finally, in the middle of the church is the transept which is a walkway that lies across horizontally. If one was to look at the church from the sky they would notice that the church is shaped like a cross. The nave and the aspe lie vertically and the transept lie horizontally.

2.  Inside the church there are detailed stain glass windows, beautiful mosaics, as well as moldings and cornice. The chapel of the church is also located inside.

3.  The church is built in a Greek Revival style. The church as very high ceilings and holds many different decorations such as stained glass windows, moldings, and mosaics. The church allows as much light to enter it as possible.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tree Of Life

1. Describe- The Tree of Life is a film directed by Terrence Malick which examines the meaning of existing and the beginnings of life. The film stars Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, and Jessica Chastain. The majority of movie is set in 1950s Texas but we are taken to several time periods throughout the film.

2, Analyze- The Tree of Life was a very abstract and existentialist film. The movie first opened with a quote from the Book of Job and then the audience was then introduced to the O'Brien family (who were the focus of our film). The first event the audience witnesses with the family is the death of a son at the age of 19. I assumed from the telegraph that it was possible he was killed in service with the army. Throughout the movie through the audience is exposed to very elaborate imagery (most often representing the beginning of time and the universe) and we often her the main characters Jack O'Brien, Mr. O'Brien, and Mrs. O'Brien asking very existential questions as their evaluate their lives, the lives of their family and neighbors, and why certain happen to people.

3. Interpret- I believe the director chose to have his film produced in an abstract way because the meaning of life and the evaluation of life are two very abstract and existential concepts. The film was very thought provoking and often proposed very secular themes to the audience. The film definitely has more than one meaning and more than one theme.  All of the images and stories found in the film either dealt with living life, consequences of living your life a certain way, the value of life, and how emotions (both ours and of those around us) affect how we live. The story also examines how the death of a loved one and cause someone to reminisce over the lost family members life.

4. Evaluate- Personally, The Tree of Life was not my cup of tea. I appreciated the overall messages of the film however, I felt as though there was a lot of dead footage in the film. For example, there was about 15 or so minutes of (what seemed to me) random music and imagery. I felt as though that part could have been a tad less expansive and long. However, there were many images as well as themes that appealed to me, but I did feel as though the movie had a lot of miscellaneous scenes that could have been left out.

Assignment 9- Printmaking

1. There are four types of Printmaking:
  • Relief- Common on stamps. Wood or linoleum is cut with a sharp tool so that the raised portion is the only part seen on the paper.
  • Itaglio- Most commonly seen on dollar bills. The lowered areas are printed instead of the raised portion. A substance called "ground" is placed on a copper or zinc sheet. A etching tool is used to expose the metal while drawing the picture. Acid is then dropped on the sheet and a thick ink is rubbed into the grooves. Damp paper is then placed on top and the image and paper are run through the press. 
  • Lithography- The artist draws on a stone slab with a greasy crayon. Then they roll ink onto the stone causing only the greasy crayon to show up witch allows the artist to make a print. 
  • Stencil-  Used to create an image on clothing or paper. A screen is pulled across a frame, then using a hand-cut print painted with tusche or using photosensitive emulsion an opening is created in the screen where the ink can pass through the screen 
2.  Lithography uses the general principle that oil and water do not mix.  To start, the artist draws the image using a greasy crayon on a  stone. The artist then rubs  water onto the stone. Ink is then rubbed all over the stone so that the ink is only attracted to the greasy image because the water repels the grease. The print can then be made by placing the paper on the stone and putting it through a press. 

3.  The most prominent difference between silk screen and etching is that the image is not a mirror image in silk screen. Also with etching you can control the details of your work include texture and tone. Also in etching there is no color. The artist can only use black and white, while in silk screen various colors can be used.

Truman show- Rear Window

1. Directors Hitchcock and Weir are both known to be very thought-provoking directors. Peter Weir (The Truman Show) and Alfred Hitchcock (The Rear Window) both examine the same theme in both of their works, watching someone as the go about the day (or evening) unaware that they are being watched. Truman who is being watched by society and  Weir in a satirical comedic way and Hitchcock in a suspenseful appeal.  In both films though, the viewers had complete control and dominance over their victim. Both directors used very similar camera angles that produced a suspenseful appeal from the audience.

2. As stated earlier, the films share a common theme. The main character in each film goes through a psychological conflict within them self about what they are doing. Both characters examine if what they are doing is morally right. The two films also share a similar sunset shot. In the Truman Show, Marlon and the title character and looking into the sunset and in the Rear Window the audience sees the sunset of the city. Finally, both films also have to very domineering characters. In the Truman Show this is wife and in the Rear Window it is L. B. Jeffery.

3. Voyeurism is a termed used when a person has gotten pleasure from watching another person. This can happen either when the person knows that are being watched or if they are unaware that they are being watched. There are three types of voyeurism in films: characters watching each other, the camera recording an event, and finally the audience watching the characters. We see the first type of voyeurism in each film. I believe people partake in voyeurism because they want to have a glimpse of what life is like for other people.

Phantom of the Opera

1. In the opening scene of Phantom of the Opera we are taken to Paris in 1919. As two elderly citizens are looking at the remains of a building in lot 666 which used to be an opera house. The audience is then taken to 1870 when the house was up and running (the duration of the movie remains in 1870).  During this time period going to the opera was a very important and prestigious event. Audience members would often dress very elegantly and were also (mainly) members of the upper class. Performances were often filled with very extravagant costumes, make up, and scenery. This period of opera was known as grand opera.

2. Main Characters
  • The Phantom- Scarred as a young boy on his face Erik (the phantom) has found comfort in living in the catacombs of the opera house. The phantom is a musical virtuoso and has written several operas for the opera house. Throughout the movie he begins to fall in love and obsess over a young opera singer named Christine. 
  • Christine- A young soprano and rising opera star, Christine instantly becomes the phantom's love interest and obsession. As she is tutored by the phantom she believes that he is the "angel of music" and the spirit of her late father. However, she grows attached to the phantom and she must choose between her childhood love, Raoul, and the Phantom. 
  • Raoul- We are first introduced to the elderly Raoul in the opening scene of the movie. In his younger days, Raoul was the love of Christine. We often see him fighting the Phantom of Christine's affection and love. 
  • Madame Giry- Madame Giry is the ballet Mistress of the opera house. She assumed the role as Christine's guardian after her father passed. She is also response for bringing the Phantom to the opera house to avoid him from facing persecution. 
  • Meg Giry- Meg is a ballerina at the opera house and is also Christine's best friend. After the phantom kidnaps Christine, Meg, leads the effort to go find her. 
 3. The Phantom of the Opera is a disfigured music genius who lives beneath the opera house. He falls in love with Christine and tutors her to become the opera house's new star. However, the phantom falls in love with Christine, who is already in love with another, Raoul. After a series of duels the phantom gives Christine an ultimatum. She can either live with him (the phantom) for the rest of her life and Raoul's life will be spared or he will let her go but he will kill Raoul. Christine chooses to spare Raoul's life but the Phantom has realized that he has deeply hurt Christine so he lets her go, and live with Raoul.

4. I believe the overall meaning of the musical was that one can not expect to live happily if hatred and anger compel them. The phantom was living with deep anger and hate for those who treated him with the same feelings and thus he poured them back into his relationship with Christine which turned her away from him. In turn, his negative feelings ruined something that could have made him very happy. Christine was able to find the phantom to be an amazing person however, his internal ugliness turned her against him. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Assignment Eight: Opera and Musical Theatre

All three performance venues (opera, light opera, and musical theatre) share one common feature, they all you singing and music to convey and theatrical performance. However, the styles of singing differ from each venue. In opera, singer's voices are very profound and demanding. Skilled opera singers know how to control their breathing and have been trained in the art form. Also, most opera singer do not use microphones, where as in musical theatre performances microphones are very imperative. In addition, musical theatre and light opera both require dialogue in their shows. Many operas have thin story lines, and the only dialogue found in an opera is a prelude before the show begins to give the audience a synopsis of the play. All in all, both light opera and musical theatre stemmed from classical opera making all three venues relate to each other.

Assignment Seven: Music

When I began listening to Michael Bolton's rendition of Nessun Dorma I first could grasp that the song centered around love. Although Mr. Bolton's voice was very powerful at times, the lyrical flow of the music still possessed many romantic qualities. The mood of the song started off very slow and somewhat melancholy . During the beginning the volume of the song was also quiet. These characteristics lead me to infer that the beginning of the song was perhaps about losing a love interest. As I listened further the orchestra seemed to pick up volume and also began to use more dynamics. Mr. Bolton's voice also began to do the same so I figured that the mood changed from regret (or sadness) to redemption. During this part of the song Mr. Bolton's voice became more powerful and profound and his vocal energy remain that way until the end of the song.

I believe the artist who is most famous for singing this song is Pavarotti

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Assignment Six: Theatre

Label the parts of this proscenium theater

A. setting line apron 
B. offstage
C. the proscenium
D. the border
E. the backdrop

Assignment Five: Dance

1. Discuss why people dance
   People dance for various reasons. People may dance to perform, to praise, to celebrate, to exercise, to express themselves, to socialize, to spend quality time with their partner, and finally to have fun. 

2. Discuss the difference between modern dance and modern ballet.
    Some of the more obvious differences between modern dance and modern ballet would be the costumes. In modern dance the costumes are usually more loose and dancers are usually barefoot. Modern ballet is more traditional in style and focuses on positions and fluid movements. Modern dance is more about dramatics and may have sharp motions and movements. Also in modern dance the hands many be turned out while in ballet the hands are usually turned in. 

3. Describe the particular period that dance began in the western world.
    The western world began in the early 20th century when jazz was introduced to America. During the Great Migration of African-Americans from the south to the north American music was born and alongside it came American dance. During this time many Caucasian Americans turned to their African-American counterparts for popular dances such as the Jitterbug, Charleston, and the Lindy Hop. In the 50s and 60s artists like Chubby Checkers cultivated such dances as the twist for the enjoyment of all races. As time went on other races ) brought their dances to the western world. 

Assignment Four: Kandinsky

Discuss Kandinsky's paintings:

1. What was the subject of his work?
The subject of Kandinsky's paintings often revolved around the idea of the apocalypse and the book of revelation in the bible (of which he took great inspiration from). Kandinksky also wanted to use his artwork as a tool to promote art through his unique use of color.

2. Describe the kind of painting he did?
Kandinsky often painted many spiritual scenes. He commonly used the images of the angel and the trumpet, the saints, the city on a hill, St. George and the dragon, and the troika in many of his paintings. Early in his painting career Kandinsky created more vivid paintings, but as he progressed as an artist he began moving into more abstract creations.

3. Discuss synesthesia.
The dictionary defines synesthesia as sensation in one part of the body which produces a stimulus in another. However, in art synesthesia is a condition in which several sensory functions are blended together. For example, an synesthetic might describe a food as tasting "yellow" or say that a pattern is loud or soft.

Assignment Three

Aesthetic Experience: Brushing My Teeth

My Aesthetic experience that I chose to talk about is brushing my teeth. I wake up in the morning and walk sleepily to the bathroom. While in this daze I grab my lavender toothbrush and apply my toothpaste to the brush. The toothpaste reminds me of a brisk and cool mountain and the mint within the paste looks like seashells in the ocean. As I begin to brush my teeth I turn the faucet on and watch the water rush out as if it were a waterfall. I then start to brush my teeth and watch my ivory teeth turn into white canvases with splashes of blue paint on them. My hands move my toothbrush in a circular waltz around each side of my mouth until my mouth becomes full with the ocean foam like substance. I discharge to material as it mixes with the rushing water it becomes a swirl with creates a sky blue like color. I begin the second round of my hygienic dance and repeat the process. Finally, I cleanse my brush by moving it underneath the cascading water, and I begin to rinse my mouth. I pick up the potion like bottle with my mouthwash in it, and I pour the liquid in the bottle cap. I take the shot, and wait in anticipation for the blaze of the mouthwash starts its reign in my mouth. I begin to countdown the agonizing twenty seconds and quickly spit out the fire water. I immediately reach for the water like soil that has suffered from a drought, and let the water cool my mouth. The refreshing liquid feels as brisk as a cold winter wind. I then discharge the liquid, grab my towel to dry my mouth, and look in the mirror to give it my Hollywood starlet smile.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Museum Visit

1. Decribe- I was first drawn to Diane's Vase because of the use of bright and vivid colors. The artist, Janet Fish used a very colorful combination of pinks, yellows, greens, and blues to create this painting. This oil painting was done on a medium sized canvas and immediately attracted viewers because of her vibrant use of colors.

2. Analyze- In the painting the flowers in the vase are set outside on a white table. Initially, I assume that it is in the warmer months, perhaps somewhere between May and June. There also seems to be a colorful scarf on the table which may suggest that Diane (the owner of the flowers) just got in and put her belongings down. On the table there is also a bag of colorful candy (perhaps taffy) that she may have just bought home.

3.  Interpret- The vibe that I immediately got from this painting was happiness. With the color choice I experienced a sudden rush of joy and comfort. Then I as I began to sit and further observe the painting I just began to feel relaxed instead of joy. My joy actually became a relaxed happiness or sense of contentment.

4. Judge- I really did enjoy observing this painting. Out of all the paintings I saw at the museum this was the one painting that I was instantly drawn to. It was very appealing to my eyes and i took my to a very comforting summer day.

Assignment Two

Describe the 4 domains of creativity:

Fluency- In creativity fluency means to come up with many ideas. For example, if you can look at a painting or object and generate many creative ideas about that object your ideas are fluent.

Flexibility- Flexibility involves the individual's ability to create a variety of ideas. So while their focus may still be set on the one object, Flexibility of thought allows them to venture out of the box and think about the object in different ways.

Originality- Like with many aspects of life, originality involves the creation of different and unique ideas. However, some definitions describe originality as unusual ideas.

Elaboration- Elaboration on an idea requires that the observer add and contribute to the idea in progress. In general, this addition in thought is supposed to make the idea better.

Describe the Feldman Method of Art Criticism:

Describe- When describing the artwork, the following features are very important: the artist, the size of the artwork, the medium that was used, and the prominent characteristics of the artwork

Analyze- When one analyzes the artwork they try to unveil why, what, or how something is a certain way. In order to analyze the art the observer must take elements found in the art to describe it.

Interpret- To interpret art means to give the art work a reason to be a certain way. To do that we are to look at the vibes the art gives off, as well as uncover any story the art is portraying. In addition we have to uncover weather there is any additional meaning.

Judge or Evaluate- To judge or evaluate the art means to critique the art in either a negative or positive way by evaluating if it appeals to your senses. For example, Andy Warhol's painting always appealed to me because I enjoyed in contrast of colors he used in his images 

Assignment One

a. Have you ever made art? What kind of art do you like?

I haven't made art before, or at least not physical art. I have however, composed and written sheet music as well as written several acting scenes. Personally, I like dramatic arts.

b. Have made a drawing, painting, sculpture?

c. Have you ever been to a museum, gallery, or artist studio?

d. Have you ever been to a play, opera, art film?
yes. I have been in several plays and musicals

e. Do you dance?

f. Under what conditions do you learn the most?
I learn the most in lectures and field experiences

g. Why are you taking this class?
I am taking this class in order to get more in touch with my creative side. Being a school teacher, one has to know how to creatively connect with one's students, and I think this class will help me do that.

h. Have you ever looked at at or anything really and been moved by what your eyes see?
yes. However, it was not a piece of artwork. It was an interaction between a mother and her newborn baby.

i. What inspires you?
The things I love inspire me. The things I love include my family, my boyfriend, and my passions in life.

j. Do you consider that movies are a form of art? How about video games, Comics, Television?
I consider movies as a form of art because they fall under dramatic arts. I also consider video games, comics, and television art because all three of those portray visual images for the enjoyment of society. All three also have elements of creativity as well as potential messages to their audiences.

k. Who decides what is good art?
I believe that the indvidual observing the art decides whether it is good art or not. I think that art is a very objective subject and its meaning can change from person to person.

l. When you debate music with your friends what are your critical elements or standards to which you hold the music to?
Lyrical content, rhythm, and potential message

m. What was the best movie you saw last year?
Waiting For Superman. This was a documentary that ventured deep into the American Education System and uncovered many flaws in our system.

n. What is an Art Film
If I had to guess, I believe an art film is a film that challenges viewers creative interpretation. So that viewers are left to analyze and interpret the movie's meaning.

o. What music is in your ipod or mp3 player, car, albumn
I listen to a little bit of everything. Primarily though, I listen to music in the top 40, R&B, or hip hop.